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Smiles are the expertise of the dentist… And the lips are the curtains of a smile!

Dentists can properly address proper ratios of lips to teeth, smile considerations, dental proportions, proper phonetics, and how the teeth relate to the soft tissue surrounding the mouth, enabling them to offer the best, most customized lip augmentation treatments.

* Bonus: 2 Courses in 1! 
This dual training course will also teach you Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments! 

Master the art of Lip & Peri-Oral dermal filler treatments & offer the latest Platelet Rich Plasma treatments. Join us on October 8-9 for this incredible dual training and get 2 courses for the price of 1!

Call by September 6 for your
Alumni Coupon Discount Code


Don’t miss the most exciting, fun-filled advanced program DentaSpa has to offer!

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DentaSpa Seminars

1110 Brickell Avenue
Miami, FL 33131
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